Water Baptism
Water Baptism is both a public and symbolic act for the follower of Jesus. It’s a declaration of Jesus’ death and resurrection for you and in you.
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
The Bible teaches that we are united to Jesus through water baptism. Through water baptism, you participate in the death of the old life of sin and resurrection to the new life of the Spirit. You can read more about this in Galatians 2:20, Romans 6, and Matthew 3.
Additionally, The word baptism is similar to the word for dipping in a dye. The fabric dipped in dye takes on the color of the dye. In the same way, you take on the “color,” or characteristics, of Christ in Water Baptism.
As a result, many people experience a deeply spiritual breakthrough at baptism. Others find rich meaning declaring to family and friends their sincerity to follow Jesus.
Finally, we baptize by total immersion. That is to say, you will be put completely under water. You can be baptized at the church, Eagle Island State Park, or in a swimming pool. Arrangements can be made if total immersion is impossible because of health or other reasons.
Learn More
Here are two devotionals that will give you a greater understanding of Water Baptism and help you see from scripture the significance of Water Baptism.
The First one is for Parents and their kids, the second is for adults.
Parents & Kids


Go here to register for Water Baptism, and enter your name, phone, and email. Pastor will be in touch with you. You can also text BAPTISM to (208) 352-6002, to sign up.