Genuine Faith

Genuine Faith

In this message, we learn that genuine faith is belief in action. Even demons shudder in fear before the one and only God. If you believe in God, then act like you do.

Sincere Love

Sincere Love

In this message, we learn that authentic faith demonstrates sincere love by showing hospitality to all, compassion for all, and obedience in all.

Totally True

Totally True

In this message, we learn that totally true faith will listen first, be a doer, and stay pure.  Join us in James 1 for a profession of faith and a practice of faith.

Honest to Goodness

Honest to Goodness

In this message, we learn that authentic faith means making room for God’s wisdom, humility, and goodness in our lives.

These three attributes are characteristic of every person with growing faith. People of authentic faith seek wisdom, humble their pride, and are tempted for good.