Animal Policy
Summary: Only clearly identified Service Animals are allowed in the building. Dowload the Animal Policy PDFService Animals
The Church encourages and accommodates people with registered Service Animals to attend church services and functions. Any registered Service Animal must be clearly identified according to ADA guidelines and under the complete control of its handler, which includes not disrupting services or activities taking place, disturbing other attendees, or causing a safety issue.
The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a “Service Animal” as any dog that is trained to perform specific tasks for people with disabilities. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) do not qualify as Service Animals under the ADA. ESA’s, or any other non-service animals, are therefore prohibited inside the building.
Non-Service Animals
Trained and controlled house pets, such as dogs, are permitted on property in outdoor areas during activities or outside events. The animal must be under the complete control of its handler, which includes not disrupting services or activities taking place, disturbing other attendees, or causing a safety issue. If a pet’s behavior becomes a cause for concern, the handler will be alerted to remove the pet from the property. The Church reserves the right to ask a handler to remove their pet from the property for any reason they deem appropriate.
Cleaning Up
In any case, if an animal leaves excrement on the premises, the handler must clean it up and alert a staff member or volunteer, so our Facility Care Team can properly sanitize the area and safely direct others away from the incident.
For More Information about ADA Requirements related to Service Animals visit
*Approved by the Board of Deacons June 28, 2023