Adult Ministry

Helping Adults Experience Jesus in a Life-Changing Way

Adult Ministry is focused on helping adults experience the Spirit-empowered life.  You will grow in faith, mature in Christian living, and develop resilience to overcome the challenges of life. You can expect to make meaningful friendships with people who will care for you and your family. We will pray for you by name.





Helping Ladies Experience Jesus

Ascend Ladies

Ascend Ladies is a place for women of all ages to grow in faith and community. There are many ways to get involved.

 Ladies’ Groups

  • Ladies’ Book Club & Prayer Group – Thursday, 6:30pm, @Ascend
  • Ladies’ Coffee Talk – First Saturday Monthly, 9:30am, @Ascend

Ladies’ Events

  • Ladies’ Thrive Retreat – October 11-13, @Trinity Pines, Cascade
  • Ladies’ Night Out – Dinners, Painting, Shooting Class, and others
  • Ladies’ Tea – Mother’s Day Weekend
  • Ladies’ Christmas Brunch
  • Holiday Bizarre Shopping
  • Women in Ministry Retreat

Ladies' Event Calendar

Helping Men Experience Jesus

Ascend Men

Ascend Men is a community of brothers committed to helping each other grow in faith, family, and living for Christ.  There are a variety ways to get connected check it out below.

Men’s Groups

  • Men’s Breakfast – Third Saturday, 8:00am @Ascend
  • Men’s Bible Study – Coming Soon, Thursday Morning 6:30am, @Ascend

Men’s Events

  • Men’s Summit – February, @Trinity Pines, Cascade
  • Man Camp – September
  • Men’s Shooting Day – July 27, @Black’s Creek Shooting Range, $10
  • Men’s Bowling – Various
  • Men’s Axe Throwing – Various

Men's Event Calendar

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

– Acts 2:42-47 (ESV)

Family Night

Wednesday | 6:00pm, Dinner  | 6:45pm, Groups

You are invited for a night of discipleship and growth for your whole family. These groups will meet for 6-week or 12-week sessions throughout the year using the schedule below. Most groups are coed and for any adult. Kids Club is available so parents can attend without hiring a sitter.

You will learn more about the Bible, skills for life, and fellowship with other believers. Wednesday Family Night is a great opportunity for you to develop deep friendships and build lasting faith. We will start off the night with dinner (6pm) and then break off into our respective groups at 6:45pm! Click the links below to join a group!

- Pastor Brad Murphy

Weekly Schedule

Wednesday Evenings

  • *5-6:00pm - Worship Team Rehearsal
  • 6:00pm - Free Community Dinner
  • 6:45pm - Groups/Courses/Kids Club
  • 8:15pm - Dismissal

Annual Session Schedule

  • Fall Session 1 - September 18 to October 11
     - 12-week groups carry over to Session 2
  • Fall Session 2 - October to December
  • Winter Session 1 - January to February
    - 12-week groups carry over to Session 2
  • Winter Session 2 - February to March
  • Spring Session - March to April
  • Summer Session 1 - Tentatively April to May
     - 12-week groups carry over to Session 2
  • Summer Session 2 - Tentatively June to July

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Fall Session 1 - Sept 18 to Oct 23, 2024

Spirit-Empowered Living: CONNECT

  • 6-weeks of connecting with the Spirit, facilitated by Paul O’Brien.
  • This is part one in a five-part series (Connect, Grow, Serve, Worship, Go).
  • Coed group for any adult.
  • Room: TBD
  • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
  • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
  • CLICK HERE to join now!

Reboot Recovery

  • A 12-week, faith-based, peer-led course empowering people of all walks of life to overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future.
  • Open for any adult.
  • Room: TBD
  • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
  • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
  • CLICK HERE to participate!

How to Share your Faith Without Being Weird

  • 6-weeks of learning to be S.A.L.T that brings out the God flavors in the world.
  • Coed group for any adult.
  • Room: TBD
  • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
  • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
  • CLICK HERE to sign up for confidence to share your faith!

    Worship Arts Music Rehearsal

    • 5-6pm Before Dinner
    • Facilitated by Pastor Lori Murphy
    • The Worship team practices in the Worship Center.
    • Come and observe the Worship Team Practice anytime if you want to join.
    • CLICK HERE to join rehearsal!

    Kids Club

    • Age-specific discipleship groups for your infant, preschool, and elementary-aged kids while the adults are in a Wednesday Family Night Adult Group.
    • Facilitated by Pastor Mikey Romero.
    • You can sign up your kids when you sign-up for any of the groups above.
    Fall Session 2 - Oct 30 to Dec 11, 2024

    Spirit-Empowered Living: GROW

    • 6-weeks of growing in the Spirit, facilitated by Paul O’Brien.
    • This is part two in a five-part series (Connect, Grow, Serve, Worship, Go).
    • Coed group for any adult.
    • Room: TBD
    • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
    • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
    • Sign-up is coming soon.

    Reboot Recovery

    • Continued from September (You cannot join at this time)
    • A 12-week, faith-based, peer-led course empowering people of all walks of life to overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future.
    • Open to any adult.
    • Room: TBD
    • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
    • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
    • New Group starting in January! Watch for sign ups.

    Evidence for God

    • 6-weeks of evidence for God.
    • Coed group for any adult.
    • Room: TBD
    • Bring a Bible, pen, and notepad. Handouts provided.
    • Kids Club for birth to elementary provided.
    • Sign-up is coming soon.

      Worship Arts Music Rehearsal

      • 5-6pm Before Dinner
      • Facilitated by Pastor Lori Murphy
      • The Worship team practices in the Worship Center.
      • Come and observe the Worship Team Practice anytime if you want to join.
      • CLICK HERE to join rehearsal!


      Kids Club

      • Age specific discipleship groups for your infant, preschool, and elementary-aged kids while the adults are in a Wednesday Family Night Adult Group.
      • Facilitated by Pastor Mikey Romero.
      • You can sign up your kids when you sign-up for any of the groups above.

      Ascend Healing Community of Care

      No one is immune from suffering and pain, but everyone can heal. REBOOT is a 12-week, faith-based, peer-led course empowering people of all walks of life to overcome life's challenges and embrace a brighter future. Through practical teaching and a supportive community, REBOOT can help you break free from the pain of your past and find renewed purpose and strength.

      Wednesday, September 18 to December 11, 2024.

      Dinner at 6:00pm, Group time at 6:45-8:15pm.

      Meet at Ascend Church

      3838 W Floating Feather Rd
      Eagle, ID 83616

      Hear what REBOOT has meant to a few course participants, in their own words.


      There is HOPE!

      Some people can recall the exact moment their lives changed forever. The horrific accident. The miscarriage. The first time they were hit by someone who was supposed to love them. The moment when their innocence was taken. Others can’t remember a time when their lives weren’t marked by trauma, abuse, or neglect.

      Too many never really heal from trauma, and trauma ends up controlling their lives. Maybe that’s you. You know the person you want to be — your “pre-traumatized self ” — is buried deep inside, but you can’t seem to find that person anymore.

      Since 2011, REBOOT has helped thousands of people overcome the trials, tragedies, and traumas of their past. Now it’s your turn. It may seem impossible, but in only 12 weeks, you can begin to break the harmful patterns of denying, crying, numbing, and running from your pain and start walking down a proven path of healing.

      All of your symptoms may not go away, but trauma doesn’t have to control your life any longer. You can overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Joining a Trauma REBOOT course is a choice that could change your life forever. Make the choice and begin your healing journey today.

      Visit to learn more from the course creators.


      It's been a lot for me to be able to finally open up and be able to talk and even help others. After going through the class once, when things do happen, I feel more prepared. Just knowing that I can reach out to people has made such a difference.

      Karen P.

      Quick FACTS about Reboot

      REBOOT courses meet once a week for 12 weeks.

      Each week, you'll progress through the trauma healing curriculum with a lesson guided by your local leader. It's not a lecture. It's a conversation. Every participant plays a part in helping one another.

      REBOOT is faith-based, but we're not preachy.

      We don’t hide the fact that REBOOT is rooted in the Christian faith, but you don't have to be. No matter your beliefs, you’ll come away from our course with proven and practical methods to heal from trauma.

      REBOOT courses are led by people like you.

      Courses are peer-led by people who have lived it, learned from it, and have a heart to help lift you out of it. There's no judgment and total privacy.


      How much does it cost to join?

      Just $25 per participant. You'll get a REBOOT Field Guide workbook and membership to MyREBOOT, the online trauma healing hub. Ascend Church can help cover this cost for participants. Check with your leader upon signup.